November 2020
Some interesting samples from the Leiden collections
By Leonardo Bertini (ESR at Natural History Museum London) I had a closer look at some of the samples that Prof. Willem Renema’s team from Naturalis sorted for me. Without doing any analyses or anything, there
October 2020
Remote collaborations with Naturalis Biodiversity Center
By Leonardo Bertini (ESR at Natural History Museum London) Since being in lockdown, the Natural History Museum London has continued to work with our partner institutions and collaborators. The pandemic hasn’t stopped us from working
My first day back at the NHM Collections
By Leonardo Bertini (ESR at Natural History Museum London) After many months of working from home, I was very excited to get to visit the Natural History Museum (NHM) collections to look at some specimens
Academic ‘Resilience’
By Leonardo Bertini (ESR at Natural History Museum London) In academia, we often do not associate the term ‘resilience’ with one’s individual ability to cope with challenging situations. Interestingly, if you ask an environmental scientist
Willem Renema appointed Professor of Marine Palaeobiodiversity
Willem Renema, Project Coordinator of 4D-REEF, has been appointed professor by special appointment of Marine Palaeobiodiversity at the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). His Chair is hosted within the Department of Ecosystem
August 2020
2nd Network Training Activity for the 4D-REEF Consortium
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we unfortunately had to postpone our planned fieldwork in Indonesia and therefore also the Network Training Activity that was scheduled to take place in Makassar. This NTA would have included
Foram DNA to predict coral reef health
Elsa B. Girard is based at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands, and her research is focused on the temporal biodiversity of large benthic foraminifera (LBF) assemblages. Watch this movie to learn more about her
July 2020
3D visualisations of turbid reef study sites
Ocean Maps, a privately held Austrian surveying company, is a beneficiary of the 4D-REEF programme hosting one of the Early Stage Researchers, Roberto Giudici. They are contributing to the 4D-REEF programme with their cutting-edge interactive
April 2020
1st Network Training Activity for the 4D-REEF Consortium
From April 20th to 24th, the 4D-REEF consortium met for the first time in Carboneras, Spain on Zoom. On the first day, everyone gave a 2 minute introduction to who we are through a single
May 2019
4D-REEF pre-kick off meeting in Leiden
The 4D-REEF Consortium was awarded their EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant on Christmas Eve 2018. What a great news to start 2019 with the prospect of building a scientific hub of excellence in the relatively