Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)

Early stage researcher



MSc in Environment and Resource Management

Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Germany

Turf algae communities

Dr. Sebastian Ferse and Dr. Sonia Bejarano

Turf algae dynamics in heavily disturbed reef environments

Estradivari, based at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in Bremen, Germany, completed a Bachelor in Marine Science at Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, and a Master in Environment and Resource Management at Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands.

Her research is focused on understanding the dynamics of turf algae, the key drivers affecting the turf algae dynamics, and its ecological impacts in a highly disturbed reef environment. She will conduct in situ surveys in the Spermonde Islands, Indonesia, on water quality, sediment characteristics, benthic and reef fish communities to explore how spatial sedimentation gradient affects the turf algae composition and interaction with corals and herbivorous fish. She will also conduct field experiments to assess how turf algae influence fish feeding behavior and coral settlement.

Key publications

  • Fidler, RY, Ahmadia GN, Amkieltiela, Awaludinnoer, Cox C, Estradivari, Glew L, Handayani C, Mahajan SL, Mascia MB, Pakiding F, Andradi-Brown DA, Campbell SJ, Claborn K, De Nardo M, Fox HE, Gill D, Hidayat NI, Jakub R, Le DT, Purwanto, Valdivia A, Harborne AR (2022) Participation, not penalties: Community involvement and equitable governance contribute to more effective multiuse protected areas. Science Advances, Vol. 8 No. 18, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abl8929  
  • Estradivari, Agung MF, Adhuri DS, Ferse SCA, Sualia I, Andradi-Brown DA, Campbell SJ, Iqbal M, Jonas HD, Lazuardi ME, Nanlohy H, Pakiding F, Pusparini NKS, Ramadhana HC, Ruchimat T, Santiadji IWV, Timisela NR, Ahmadia GN (2022) Marine conservation beyond MPAs: Towards the recognition of other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in Indonesia. Marine Policy. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104939
  • Girard EB, Estradivari, Ferse SCA, Ambo-Rappe R, Jompa J, Renema W (2021) Dynamics of large benthic foraminiferal assemblages: A tool to foreshadow reef degradation?. Science of The Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151396
  • Gurney GG, Darling ES, Ahmadia GN, Agostini VN, Ban NC, Blythe J, Claudet J, Epstein G, Estradivari, Himes-Cornell A, Jonas HD, Armitage A, Campbell SJ, Cox C, Friedman WdR, Gill D, Lestari P, Mangubhai S, McLeod E, Muthiga NA, Naggea J, Ranaivoson R, Wenger A, Yulianto I, Jupiter SD (2021) Biodiversity needs every tool in the box: use OECMs. NATURE Comment.  doi:10.1038/d41586-021-02041-4
  • Campbell SJ, Darling ES, Pardede S, Ahmadia G, Mangubhai S, Amkieltiela, Estradivari, Maire E (2020) Fishing restrictions and remoteness deliver conservation outcomes for Indonesia’s coral reef fisheries. Conservation Letters. doi: 10.1111/conl.12698
  • Fox HE, Harris JL, Darling ES, Ahmadia GN, Estradivari, Razak TB (2019) Rebuilding coral reefs: success (and failure) 16 years after low-cost restoration. Restoration Ecology 27(4): 862-869. doi: 10.1111/rec.12935
  • Vermaat JE, Estradivari, L. E. Becking (2012) Present and future environmental impacts on the coastal zone of Berau (East Kalimantan, Indonesia), a deductive scenario analysis. Regional Environmental Change 12.
  • Estradivari, Andradi-Brown DA, Amkieltiela, Handayani CN, Sjahruddin FF, Agung MF, Campbell SJ, Claborn K, De Nardo M, Fox HE, Glew L, Hakim A, Lazuardi ME, Nanlohy H, Sanjaya W, Setyawan E, Timisela NR, Veverka L, Wiwadharna NW, Welly M, Zainudin IM, Ahmadia GN (2022) Marine conservation in the Sunda Banda Seascape, Indonesia. Marine Policy. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.104994
  • Ahmadia GN, Cheng SH, Andradi-Brown DA, Baez SK, Barnes MD, Bennett NJ, Campbell SJ, Darling ES, Estradivari, Gill D, Gress E, Gurney GG, Horigue V, Jakub R, Kennedy EV, Mahajan SL, Mangubhai S, Matsuda SB, Muthiga NA, Navarro MO, Santodomingo N, Valles H, Veverka L, Villagomez A, Wenger AS, Wosu A (2021) Limited Progress in Improving Gender and Geographic Representation in Coral Reef Science. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.731037
  • Campbell SJ, Darling ES, Pardede S, Ahmadia G, Mangubhai S, Amkieltiela, Estradivari, Maire E (2020) Fishing restrictions and remoteness deliver conservation outcomes for Indonesia’s coral reef fisheries. Conservation Letters. doi: 10.1111/conl.12698
  • Darling ES, McClanahan TR, Maina JM, Gurney GA, Graham NAJ, Januchowski-Hartley F, Cinner JE, Mora C, Hicks CC, Maire E, Puotinen M, Skirving WJ, Adjeroud M, Ahmadia G, Arthur R, Bauman A, Beger M, Berumen M, Bigot L, Bouwmeester J, Brenier A, Bridge T, Brown E, Campbell S, Cannon S, Cauvin B, Chen C, Claudet J, Denis V, Donner S, Estradivari, et al. (2019) Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3: 1341-1350. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0953-8
  • Vercammen A, McGowan J, Knight AT, Campbell S, Pardede S, Muttaqin E, Harris J, Ahmadia G, Estradivari, Dallison T, Berger M (2019) Evaluating the impact of accounting for coral cover in large-scale marine conservation prioritisations. Diversity and Distributions 25(10): 1564-1574. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12957
  • Fox HE, Harris JL, Darling ES, Ahmadia GN, Estradivari, Razak TB (2019) Rebuilding coral reefs: success (and failure) 16 years after low-cost restoration. Restoration Ecology 27(4): 862-869. doi: 10.1111/rec.12935
  • Pendleton LH, Beyer H, Estradivari, Grose SO, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Karcher DB, Kennedy E, Llewellyn L, Nys C, Shapiro A, Jain R, Kuc K (2019) Disrupting data sharing for a healthier ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76(6): 1415-1423. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz068
  • Estradivari, Handayani CNN, Daniel D, Mustofa A (2017) Marine Protected Area network design: case study of Maluku Province. Coastal and Ocean Journal 1(2): 135-146.
  • Krueck NC, Legrand C, Ahmadia GN, Estradivari, Green A, Jones GP, Riginos C, Treml EA, Mumby PJ (2017) Reserve sizes needed to protect coral reef fishes. Conservation Biology 11(3): e12415. doi: 10.1111/conl.12415
  • Harris J, Estradivari, Fox H, McCarthy O, Ahmadia GN (2017) Planning for the future: incorporating global and local data to prioritize coral reef conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
  • Wang M, Madden M, Hendy I, Estradivari, Ahmadia GN (2016) Modelling projected changes of mangrove biomass in different climatic scenarios in the Sunda Banda Seascapes. International Journal of Digital Earth Vol. 10 (4): 457 – 468.
  • Vermaat JE, Estradivari, L. E. Becking. 2012. Present and future environmental impacts on the coastal zone of Berau (East Kalimantan, Indonesia), a deductive scenario analysis. Regional Environmental Change 12: 437 – 444.

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