Mariya Perepelytsya
MSc in Hydroinformatics and Water Management
Deltares, Netherlands
Reef distribution forecasting
Prof. Peter Herman and Dr. Bregje van Wesenbeeck
Coupled hydrodynamic-coral modelling for reef distribution forecasting
Mariya Perepelytsya is a researcher based in Deltares, the Netherlands. Originally from Ukraine, Mariya obtained her Bachelor in Hydrotechnics at the O.M. Beketov University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine. During the BSc, she became a scholar of an Erasmus Mundus INFINITY programme and for 1 year studied Environmental Sciences at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Later she was awarded a scholarship and graduated from the Erasmus Mundus Joint MSc Programme in Hydroinformatics and Water Management EuroAquae+ in 2019.
Mariya`s research focuses on the assessment of the ecosystem’s physical parameters that influence reef health and development. She will develop a numerical model of the reef distribution with special attention to the mechanism of coral bleaching and community post-disturbance recovery, shaped by the functional adaptive strategy of coral species. Also, the online coupling of the coral model with hydrodynamic forecasting will be developed to enable assessment of the future bleaching events occurrence and to predict the coral reef distribution in the 22d century. Mariya will access the reliability of the resulting coupled model by its validation and uncertainty analysis.
Blogs by Mariya Perepelytsya:
NTA5 in Indonesia: A Tale of Two Cities (and ESRs) – part 1
Blog by 4D-Reef ESRs Mariya Perepelytsya, based at Deltares (the Netherlands), and Kathrine Maxwell, based at Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (Germany). Last