Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)

Early stage researcher

Roberto Giudici

Roberto Giudici

MSc in Computer Science, MSc in Geomorphological Science

Ocean Maps GmbH, Austria

3D reef model visualization

Klemens Svetitsch and Dr. Thomas Nemetz

Biodiversity in 3D-reef maps and dive simulations

Roberto Giudici lives in Salzburg (Austria) and works at Ocean Maps, a company specialized in geomorphic environmental surveying and 3D mapping. He completed a Master in Computer Science at the University of Turin and a Master Degree in Geomorphological sciences at the University of Southern Brittany (France). Besides his IT background, he is specialized in geomorphic simulation algorithms applied to hydrodynamic and hydro-sedimentary coastal and lacustrine land-systems.

He is aimed in providing a comprehensive interactive 3D reconstruction of the 4D-REEF research sites, along with a graphical representation of their results. He will also be charged to make a detailed topographic and bathymetric survey of some sedimentary and coralline ‘hot spots’. Nearshore to offshore surveys will be held in collaboration with other 4D-REEF ESRs, in the effort of getting a better insight of estuarine influence on turbid reefs at Holocene pristine environmental conditions.

Blogs by Roberto Giudici: