Scientists need the skills and experience to communicate and visualise their results effectively. 4D-REEF will provide training to the Early Stage Researchers in a range of skills to enhance their understanding of the systems they work in, synthesize their research, communicate with a variety of audiences, and support their personal development.

Training across 6 pathways

The programme consists of 6 Network Training Activities (NTAs) that provide training across 6 pathways:

  • Introduction to turbid reefs and the Coral Triangle

  • Data management and quantitative analysis

  • Earth System and ecological modeling

  • Practical research skills

  • Dissemination

  • Career development

Divers in the Spermonde Archipelago

Specialised Training Activities

Specialised Training Activities (STAs) will be provided for groups of ESRs that need more in-depth training in specific skills:

Scientific Diving Course

ESRs who will need to scuba dive for their research will be trained in the planning and organisation of dive missions, health and safety procedures, emergency training, methods in underwater science and equipment maintenance. Upon successful completion of the training, they will be certified as European Scientific Divers.

Carbonate Sedimentology

Carbonate Sedimentology